Held annually in memory of poet Lexi Rudnitsky (1972-2005), the Editor's Choice Award is open to any American citizen living anywhere in the world, or anyone living in the United States regardless of residency status, with at least one previous collection of poems. The winner receives publication and $2,000.
• Entries must be made via Submittable between January 1st and March 15th. We no longer accept hard copy submissions.
• Submitted manuscripts should include a title page, including the title of the submission only, and a paginated table of contents. There should be no identifying material, acknowledgments, or thank-yous on the title page or elsewhere in the submission.
• Submissions should be at least 48 manuscript pages. They must be primarily in English to be considered. New & Selected Poems, Collected Poems, and translations are not eligible.
• For the purposes of this contest, a previously published full-length book of poems is defined as a volume of more than 48 pages, in a print edition of 500 or more copies, that has been made readily available through trade distribution (i.e. local and/or on-line booksellers, including Amazon.com). To be eligible to submit to our contest, a previously published book must have been published (not just accepted for publication) by the close of the current entry period.
• We are unable to return entry fees for submissions that do not meet eligibility requirements.
The winner of the Lexi Rudnitsky Editor's Choice Award is chosen by Persea's poetry editor in consultation with the Lexi Rudnitsky Editor's Choice Advisory Committee of the Lexi Rudnitsky Poetry Project. The winner will be announced on Persea's web site in April.